About this product
Smooth, easy to use and mix well together. Dries to a low gloss satin sheen in 5 days. 22 ml. tubes.
12 Color set includes: Lemon Yellow, Primary Yellow, Cadmium Red hue, Primary Red, ultramarine, Primary Blue, Coeruleum Hue, Sap Green, Yellow Ochre, Bunt Umber, Ivory Black and Titanium White.
24 Color set includes all of the above colors as well as: Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue, Vermillion Hue, Rose Madder, Permanent Magenta, Violet, Viridian Hue, Naples Yellow, Buff Titanium, Portrait Pink, Burnt Sienna, Lamp Black and Zinc Mixing White.
36 Color set includes all of the above colors as well as: Cadmium Yellow Hue, Yellow Orange, Cadmium Orange Hue, Crimson, Cobalt Blue, Prussian Blue, Phthalo Blue, hooker's Green, Olive Green, Raw Sienna, Venetian Red and Payne's Grey.